This article will explain about Temporary table in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain Differnce between Union and Union all in SQL-Server in English and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL Having  function in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL order by function in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL group by function in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL auto increment in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL drop statement in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about count function in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about replace function in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about concat function in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about cross join in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about SQL convert date function and format in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL delete statement in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL Aliases in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL store procedure in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL where clause in Engilsh and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain Differnce between delete and truncate statement in SQL-Server in English and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL update statement in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about SQL insert statement in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about  SQL state statement  Engilsh and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain about  basic types of SQL command in English and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain about  basic types of datatype in English and Hindi

This article will explain about right join in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about full outer join in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about Left join in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about inner join in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain about Join and it basic types in English and Hindi

This article will explain about 3NF in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about 2NF in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about 1NF in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain about normalization and it basic types in English and Hindi

In this article I am going to explain Differnce between DBMS and RDMS in SQL-Server in English and Hindi

This article will explain about RDMS in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain alter table statement in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about database in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about super key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about candidate key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about composite key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about unique key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about foreign key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

This article will explain about primary key in SQL in Engilsh and Hindi

Data warehouse have six types of dimension table.

Top 16 performance query optimization techniques in SQL Database
You could also use an appropriate filtered index for your non clustered index because it could avoid performing
a key lookup..


2. @@error

3. RAISERROR() function

It is a precompiled set of TSQL statements that are automatically executed on a particular DDL, DML or log-on event.

are the types of UDF?
1. Scalar
2. In-line UDF:
3. Multi-line or Table Valued Functions:

SP can have any kind of DML and DDL statements. 

Precompiled code hence faster. .........

If we want to store tabular data in the form of rows and columns into a variable then we use a table variable.........

Differences between OLTP and OLAP :
OLTP stands for Online Transactional Processing
OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing.............

In this article we will know Limitation of SQL derver, database, DTU, eDTU, vCore, Storage, Max Connection etc. in Azure SQL Database.

In this article, we will learn how to find resource usage in Azure SQL database using scripts or T-SQL.

In this article we will learn fragmentation on azure SQL database or SQL server database.

In this article we will learn how to find all index on database with key column and include column in azure sql database or sql server database.

In this article we will learn how to find unused all indexes on azure sql database or sql server database.

In this acticl I am going to explain Data warehouse three tier architucture  these are : Bottom Tier (Data warehouse server) Middle Tier(OLAP server) and Top Tier(Front end tools)

In this article we will learn how to set or allow client IP Address  using the filewall security in Azure SQL database using Azure portal.

In this article we will learn convert row into the coloumn using PIVOT and convert coloumn in the row using UNPIVOT in sql server.

In this article I am going to explain How to get alternate row from table in sql server.

In this article I am going to explain Differnce between Azure SQL and SQL Server.

In this article I am going to explain about SQL Data Werehouse, Advantages of SQL Data Werehouse...

In this article I am going to explain Differnce between Primay Key and Unique Key in SQL-Server.

In this article I am going to explain How to delete - Romove duplicate record or rows from table in sql server

In this article i am going to explain How to find not exists or not match rows between two table with with example in sql server

In this article i am going to expain how to run ro execute SQL Script file using the CMD orCommand line.

In this article, I will explain how we can get all missing id without loop using a recursive function in SQL server.

In this article I am going to explain how to Export Excel from the Database in SQL Server using Wizard

In this article I am going to explain how to  import excel into sql server database using Wizard

In this article I am going to explain how to Enable table Re-Creation in SQL Server using wizard

In this article I am going to explain how to Generate SQL Script with data for Table in SQL Server using Wizard.

In this article i am goint to explain how to Create query shortcuts in  SQL Server Management Studio.

In this article I am going to explain Difference between CTE(Common Table Expressions) and Temp Table in SQL Server :

In this article I am going to explain Difference between CTE(Common Table Expressions) and Table Variable in SQL Server

In this article I am going to explain How to get/find/retrieve the list all Primary Key, Foreign Key and Unique Key into the database.

In this blog I am going to explain SQL Server - Like search record any value from column to stored in comma separate value(CSV):

Example:  I have stored data to comma separated value into the column : '1,25,11,21,41,61,91,22'
so I want to search only 1 stored all column not apart from 1 like 11,21 etc

In this article i am goint to explain write a Scrits to find all the indexes that have included columns in it and the name of the table to which the index belongs to:

In this article i am goint to explain How to write a query to find all tables in a Database that have a specific column name

  1. Query Store
  2. Polybase
  3. Dynamic Data Masking(DDM)
  4. JSON Support
  5. Stretch Database
  6. Multiple TempDB Database Files
  7. Row Level Security
  8. R Comes to SQL Server
  9. Temporal Table
  10. Always Encrypted
  11. In-Memory Enhancements


This question is quite a popular question and it is interesting that I have been receiving this question every other day. I have already answer this question here. “How to find Nth Highest Salary of Employee”.

Yes we can use transaction without try-catch block using @@ERROR  By default @@ERROR will be (Zero)  0 when any error occure during transaction it will not (Zero) 0.

Yes we can create the clustered index without primary key. Also, primary key and clustered index can be on different columns in the same table. 

In this article i am going to explain Difference between Stored Procedure and Function in SQL SERVER...

CTE stands for Common Table expressions. It was introduced with SQL Server 2005...

In this article i am goint to explain how to Find row count all table with size from database in SQL Server.

How to get list names of all tables from database in SQL SERVER, MYSQL and Oracle ...

In this article we will explain Difference between CTE(Common Table Expressions) and Table Variable and Temp Table in SQL SERVER.