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What is the difference between ADO and ADO.Net ?

  1. ADO works with the connected data whereas ADO.Net works in a disconnected manner.
  2. ADO has main object called Recordset which is used to reference data. But ADO.Net has various objects to access the database.
  3. ADO allows creating client side cursors whereas ADO.Net deals with both server side and server side cursors.
  4. ADO allows persisting records in XML format and ADO.Net allows to manipulate data using XML.


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Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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