Create a Databricks backed secret scope in Azure Databricks

  1. What is Databricks command line interface(CLI)
  2. How to install Databricks CLI
  3. How to configure Databricks CLI
  4. How to generate Databricks token
  5. How to connect Databricks workspace using command prompt(CMD) throw CLI


Introduction of Secret Scopes in Azure Databricks

Update Mount Point(dbutils.fs.updateMount()) in Azure Databricks

refreshMounts() commands of File system Utilities in Azure Databricks

 Delete or Unmount Mount Points in Azure Databricks

mounts() commands of File system Utilities in Azure Databricks

Mount Azure Blob Storage to DBFS using SAS token in Azure Databricks

Mount Azure Blob Storage to DBFS using Key in Azure Databricks

Create Mount point using dbutils.fs.mount() in Azure Databricks

Parameterize SQL notebook using widgets in Azure Databricks  Widgets in SQL in Azure Databricks

Pass values to notebook parameters from another notebook using run command in Azure Databricks

Widgets utility(dbutils.widgets) of Databricks Utilities in Azure Databricks

run() command of notebook utility(dbutils.notebook) in Databricks Utilities in Azure Databricks

 exit() command of notebook utility(dbutils.notebook) in Azure Databricks

Data Utilities in Azure Databricks

  1. File System utility(dbutils.fs) of Databricks Utilities in Azure Databricks
  2. mkdir, put, ls, head, cp, mv, rm



  1. Introduction of dbutils module in Azure Databricks
  2. List of commands in dbutils module


Databricks File System(DBFS) overview in Azure Databricks

  1. Import csv files to DBFS in Azure Databricks
  2. Create table from csv files
  3. Apply Spark SQL Query on created table
  4. Visualize Query result in chart and table

10- Enable Databricks File System(DBFS) in Azure Databrick

9- Introduction of Notebook in Azure Databricks

8- Introduction of cluster in Azure Databricks

7- Working with Workspace Objects in Azure Databricks

6- Workspace Asset and Shortcut in Azure Databricks

5- Workspace in Azure Databricks

4- Create Databricks Workspace Community Edition Account

 Create Azure Databricks Workspace using Azure Portal

  1. Introduction of Azure Databricks
  2. Benefit of Azure Databricks


  1. What is Spark
  2. Why it’s fast
  3. Spark Architecture (Driver, Custer Manager and Worker Node)
  4. Worker node details
  5. Lifecycle of spark application
  6. Spark Attributes
  7. Terminologies
  8. Supported libraries & Languages