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What is IsPostBack in ASP.NET in English and Hindi


IsPostBack in ASP.NET in English

In ASP.NET, IsPostBack is a property that indicates whether the current page is being loaded in response to a postback. A postback occurs when the user submits a form by clicking a button or pressing the Enter key. When the page is loaded in response to a postback, IsPostBack is set to true.

Here is an example of how to use IsPostBack in ASP.NET:
In this example, we have a Page_Load event handler that is called every time the page is loaded. Inside the event handler, we check the value of IsPostBack to determine whether the page is being loaded for the first time or in response to a postback.
If IsPostBack is false, we know that the page is loading for the first time, and we can perform any initialization that needs to be done. For example, we might load data from a database and display it on the page.
If IsPostBack is true, we know that the page is being loaded in response to a postback, and we can perform any postback processing that needs to be done. For example, we might process user input and update the database.
By using IsPostBack, we can ensure that the appropriate initialization or postback processing is performed every time the page is loaded
IsPostBack in ASP.NET in Hindi
IsPostBack ek property hai jo ASP.NET me use hoti hai aur is property ki madad se pata lagta hai ki current page postback event ke karan load hui hai ya nahi. Postback event tab hota hai jab user form submit karta hai, jaise ki button click karke ya Enter key press karke. Jab page postback event ke karan load hoti hai, tab IsPostBack ki value true ho jati hai.
Yahan ek IsPostBack ka example hai:
Is example me, ek Page_Load event handler hai jo page ko load karne par call hota hai. Event handler ke andar, IsPostBack ki value ko check karke ye pata lagaya jata hai ki page pahli baar load ho rahi hai ya postback event ke karan load ho rahi hai.
Agar IsPostBack ki value false hai, tab pata chalta hai ki page pahli baar load ho rahi hai, aur initialization ki zarurat padti hai. Isme hum database se data load kar sakte hai aur usko page par display kar sakte hai.
Agar IsPostBack ki value true hai, tab pata chalta hai ki page postback event ke karan load ho rahi hai, aur postback processing ki zarurat padti hai. Isme hum user input ko process kar sakte hai aur database ko update kar sakte hai.
IsPostBack ki madad se hum ye ensure kar sakte hai ki har bar page load hone par sahi initialization ya postback processing ho jaye.



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About Author

Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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