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What is SQL Alter table statement in English and Hindi


Alter table statement in Engilsh 

In SQL, the ALTER TABLE statement is used to modify the structure of an existing table. This can include adding or removing columns, changing data types, and setting constraints.

Here is an example of how to use ALTER TABLE to add a new column to an existing table:
This statement will add a new column called new_column to the table my_table, with a data type of INTEGER.
Here's another example of how to use ALTER TABLE to modify an existing column:
This statement will change the data type of the column existing_column to VARCHAR(255).
Note that the specific syntax of the ALTER TABLE statement may vary depending on the database management system you are using.

Alter table statement in Hindi 

SQL me ALTER TABLE statement ka upyog ek maujud table ki structure ko modify karne ke liye kiya jata hai. Isme naye column add ya remove karna, data types change karna aur constraints set karna shamil ho sakta hai.
Yaha ek example hai ALTER TABLE ka upyog karne ka ek maujud table me naye column add karne ke liye:
Is statement se my_table table me ek naya column new_column add hoga, jo ki INTEGER data type ka hoga.
Yaha aur ek example hai ALTER TABLE ka upyog karne ka jiske dwara ek maujud column ko modify kiya jayega:
Is statement se existing_column column ka data type VARCHAR(255) me change hoga.
Dhyaan rahe ki ALTER TABLE statement ka specific syntax database management system ke anusaar vary kar sakta hai.

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About Author

Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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