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Explain Global exception handling in Asp.Net Core MVC

Global exception handling

Global exception handling in ASP.NET Core MVC is a mechanism that allows you to handle unhandled exceptions that occur during the processing of a request. It provides a centralized way to capture and manage exceptions that might otherwise lead to unhandled runtime errors, and it can help you log, display user-friendly error pages, or perform other actions in response to exceptions. Here's how to implement global exception handling in ASP.NET Core MVC with an example:

1-Create a custom exception handler class by implementing the IExceptionFilter interface. This class will handle exceptions globally. For example:
1-Register the custom exception filter in the Startup.cs class in the ConfigureServices method:
1-Add the exception filter as a global filter in the Startup.cs class in the Configure method:
1-In the GlobalExceptionFilter, we're redirecting unhandled exceptions to an error page. Make sure you have an "Error" action in a controller (e.g., HomeController) and an associated view (e.g., "Error.cshtml") for displaying error information:
1-Create a custom error view (e.g., "Error.cshtml") in the Views/Home folder to display error information to the user.
With this setup, unhandled exceptions that occur during request processing will be caught by the GlobalExceptionFilter, logged, and redirected to the "Error" action, where you can display a user-friendly error page or take other actions to handle the exception. Make sure to customize the error handling logic and error page according to your application's needs.

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About Author

Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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