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Difference between Azure Table Storage and Azure DocumentDB

Difference Between Azure Table Storage and DocumentDB:

Feature Azure Table Storage DocumentDB
  Table Storage is mainly a key-value type NOSQL. DocumentDB is (as the name suggests) a Document Type NoSQL store.
Server-Side Programmability No. Yes (JavaScript).

Primary Key only.

No secondary indexse.

All properties indexes by default.but Indexes may be changed/removed.
Storage 500TB/Storage account. Petabytes.
Referential Integrity and Transactions Limited (uses BATCH operation). Supports transactions through JavaScript.
Support Stored Procedure No Yes in JavaScript
Transactional boundary All entities in the same partition. All documents in the same partition
Query Language OData subset. Enhanced subset of SQL syntax.
Performance 2000 entities/secord per partition 10ms single document reads for 99% of requests
15ms single document write for 99% of requests
 Each operation is measured in Request Units (RU), with some operations costing more than 1 RU (possibly significantly more, 
especially when looking at things like spatial queries). Collection RU performance scales from 400RU to 10,000 RU for single-partition collections.
Limitations Each table contains only two indexed columns: a partition key and a row key. This means that you can only run queries based on these keys. You can’t index any columns or properties of the rows you insert, and so can’t run queries against them. Price: at 25 cents per gigabyte, it is more than double the cost of Azure Tables’ most expensive rate.
Scaling: While DocumentDB can scale to hold a large amount of data, document collections that will need to scale easily have to be created as partitioned collections from the beginning.
Trigger Not support Support
Function No Support Support
Stroing consistency Stroing consistency
Data replicates to any number of regions of your choice with well-defined tunable consistency
semantics(at the click of a button) strong, bounded stateness, session and eventual
Scalability  Tables Storage throughput of 2k is a scalability limit (not guaranteed maximum) In DocumentDB provisioned throughput is guaranteed, i.e. the minimum value
  Support Key-Value(KV) Storage. Document storage is a superset of KV storage, so DocumentDB supports both modes.
Per-partition limit 20k in tables.

Infinite per-collection in DocumentDB.

because partitions are managed by both services.




Brijesh Kumar

Thank You

About Author

Brijesh Kumar

Database Developer

I have more then 6 years Experience in Microsoft Technologies - SQL Server Database, ETL Azure Cloud - Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, PowerBI, Web Job, Azure Function, Azure Storage, Web Apps, Powershall and Database Migration On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
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Hi Brijesh, I'm from the DocumentDB team. Thanks for making this table - great work! I have a few edits for you to consider: 1. An important difference is that in Tables, throughput of 2k is a scalability limit (not guaranteed maximum). In DocumentDB provisioned throughput is guaranteed, i.e. the minimum value 2. Also the per-partition limit is less important than the per-collection/table limit (infinite in DocumentDB, 20k in tables), because partitions are managed by both services. 3. Document storage is a superset of KV storage, so DocumentDB supports both modes. Happy to discuss more over email. Thanks again for making this comparison!
Brijesh Kumar
Thank you for given your valuable suggestion.




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